Sheneika Smith for Asheville City Council

Sheneika Smith is a fourth generation native of Asheville who went away for college in Winston-Salem. Afterwards she worked in the mental health field in Charlotte, North Carolina for a brief time. Upon her return to Asheville she began a position as Community Development Coordinator for Green Opportunities, a local economic development organization whose mission is to train, support and connect people from marginalized communities to sustainable employment pathways. In doing this work Sheneika found a town ravaged by the forces of gentrification, poverty, and a distinct lack of opportunity for these communities of color.

It was after deep examination of the historic conditions which created these systemic barriers to racial and economic equity, that Sheneika decided to run Asheville City Council on a campaign of fostering diversity and inclusion by increasing the well-being of her entire community. The daughter of the pastor of a large, historic African-American church, she was not one to shy away from the responsibilities of servant leadership. However, as a young first-time candidate there was a substantial learning-curve to standing up an effective campaign for public office. 

Insert Synergetic Strategies. We approached Ms. Smith with a plan for how to win election, and after an initial consultation, signed on to be her campaign manager. We managed this successful campaign for Asheville City Council for this first-time African-American woman candidate. We utilized our skills in data analysis and voter metrics to design a winning strategy for this grassroots campaign focused on coalition building and voter turnout. Our campaign had the best ratio of dollars spent to votes earned of any other candidate in the race.

How to win a seat on Asheville City Council for a grass-roots, first-time candidate with a small budget and virtually no campaign infrastructure.

Utilized kills in data analysis and voter metrics to design a winning strategy for this grassroots campaign focused on coalition building and voter turnout.

Winning campaign had the best ratio of dollars spent to votes earned of any other candidate in the race.